About Us

Hi! I’m Mark, I like exploring and discovering new things. I’m into different type of sports such as martial arts, swimming and rock climbing. This is my way in keeping my body fit and lean. I have a carefree personality, love outdoors and eat almost everything. Every summer I plan for camping with my girlfriend Kelly and younger sister Amanda in areas where we could climb and explore.

When I’m not outside, you can find me in front of my computer discovering something new. I like computer programming. At 19 I graduated from high school at Bullers Wood School, and pursue a college education at the City University London to become an IT specialist. Now, I am working as an IT analyst in Standard Chartered Bank in London.

I created Experience Days in dedication to provide quality information on Experience Days in London. In particular, I aim to help people choose the best experience and hotel in their stay in London.

Here, you will find helpful reviews, tips, information and more. This site also has wide selection of experiences you can choose. This is in the format of “weblog” so that each time I post new information; it will appear on the top of the front page. This means that you can check back here frequently to see new updates.

You can navigate through the site by using the menus and links on the page. Also don’t hesitate to follow the links you see throughout each page to learn more about the product being spoken about.

I hope you find the information I provide valuable and Helpful.

“The hardest thing to conquer in life is not going up, but going down.”  – Mark Sergent

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