Wakeboarding is a sport so cool that lots of people have yet to learn about it. In fact it’s the fastest growing watersport in the country and is like a cross between water-skiing, snowboarding and surfing. Get pulled across the water whilst hanging onto a cable, with each foot attached to a single wide board. After a full safety briefing, hit the water on this fun-filled adventure and set off around the purpose-built cable run. Start off knee-boarding to get to grips with the basics of balance, before putting wakeboarding theory into practice. After learning how to successfully turn corners, expect to be riding high like a true pro.
Availability: One or two weekend dates each month between April to October. Weather: Very severe weather conditions might mean that wakeboarding is cancelled. Please call the venue if in any doubt. Duration: Lasts for approximately two hours, including a briefing (please arrive a few minutes in advance of the booked time to get ready). You’re welcome to stay on afterwards and watch other sessions taking place. Numbers On Day: There will be up to 20 people taking part and the centre is open to the public. Spectators: Spectators are welcome and can watch (and laugh!) from the outdoor cafe, which sells food and drink. Dress Code: Special clothing and equipment will be provided on the day. However, please bring your own swimsuit and towels. Guidelines: Exit the M1 at j14 and head west towards Milton Keynes on the A509. 400 metres on, go over the first roundabout (third exit) keeping on the A509 and drive over the next roundabout (second exit) still on the A509 (with the lake on your left). At the next roundabout (near Siemens) turn left onto V10 Brickhill Street and at the next small roundabout turn left into the car park. Restrictions: Minimum age eight. Maximum weight 19 stone. You need to be able to swim 50 metres comfortably. Advise of any medical conditions when booking, e.g. back or neck problems, or MS, which can affect your grip. Not suitable for pregnant women. Other Info:
Location: Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire