Zombie Infection at The Asylum in Liverpool


SKU: 3605950385 Category:


The asylum in Liverpool is thought to be the zombie infection epicentre. Abandoned soon after the outbreak, intel suggests that a cure may also be on site. All communication has been lost on the site and survivors are needed to to continue the mission. Enter the hospital and locate all vital information that can lead to a cure. Instinct for survival will be tested as you encounter free roaming zombies with missions and objectives set to test the nerve and endurance of all survivors. With limited resources available, successfully make decisions as a team and complete the set missions in whichever way you see fit before the other team does. The winning team is extracted for survival and the others left to rot!

Availability: Weekends, at least once a month. Some ocassional Friday dates are also available. Weather: Duration: This experience lasts for about three hours. Numbers On Day: A maximum of 36 participants split into four teams will compete. Spectators: Dress Code: Wear clothes that you do not mind getting damaged, bloody or muddy. Footwear with ankle protection is essential! Guidelines: Restrictions: Minimum age is 18. Other Info: You will use replica airsoft weapons which fire a 6mm projectile (bb pellet). These will halt the zombies for a period of time. Be warned though, you only have a limited supply so it’s not that simple.

Location: Liverpool, Merseyside