Junior Multi Off Road Driving


SKU: 755730090 Category:


Now youngsters can also experience the thrills and spills of off road driving with this adrenaline-fuelled session in Kent. Begin with a driving lesson in a dual-controlled car in the safety of a large field. Next, take control of a Land Rover and put your newfound skills to the test on a challenging off road course which includes steep slopes, water ditches and deep gullies. After a break for lunch, drive a crazy six-wheeled, semi-amphibious, skid-steer vehicle before trying to master the reverse steer Land Rover. Depending on the weather, finish by either venturing out on an action-packed quad bike safari or driving the rapid Apache rally car. This thrilling experience is essential for any budding junior off road driving fanatic!

Availability: Runs during school holidays only (weekdays). Weather: The weather shouldn’t affect this experience, but any cancellations are for safety. Please call the venue if in any doubt. Duration: Lasts around four hours in total, including a break for lunch. Numbers On Day: A maximum of five people take part. At least one instructor is with the group at all times. Spectators: Spectators are welcome and there are some catering facilities on-site. Dress Code: Dress for the outdoors with shoes suitable for driving. Wrap up warm if it’s cold. Guidelines: Restrictions: Minimum age is 11 or a minimum of 1.4 metres tall. Hay fever sufferers please note: the pollen count around the course can get very high in summer. Other Info:

Location: West Malling, Kent