Sporting Trials Driving Experience


SKU: 3294858151 Category:


As one of the UK’s oldest and most challenging recognised motorsports, sporting trials is a must try for any hardened motoring fanatic. Also known as mud plugging, this adrenaline-fuelled event takes place in a custom open top trials car and involves getting it as far as possible up a steep woodland slope, using nothing but skill, grit and courage. Kick things off with a full briefing and few words of wisdom from a seasoned instructor, then get kitted up for some serious sporting trials motoring action! Head into the woods with the instructor and negotiate your vehicle up a steep and muddy slope, putting those newfound mud plugging skills into action while tackling tight turns and rugged terrain. Are you up for the challenge?

Availability: Regular Saturday dates throughout the year. Weather: The weather shouldn’t affect this experience, but any cancellations are for safety. Please call the venue if in any doubt. Duration: Lasts around an hour and a half. Numbers On Day: Share the experience with up to three other keen motoring enthusiasts. An instructor is with the group at all times. Spectators: Spectators are welcome and there are some catering facilities on-site. Please note, as most of this activity takes place in woodland, visibility is restricted. Dress Code: Dress for the outdoors with shoes suitable for driving. Wrap up warm if it’s cold. Guidelines: Restrictions: Minimum age is 11. No previous experience required. Minimum height is 4’11”; maximum height is 6’4”. Maximum weight is 20 stone. Hay fever sufferers please note: the pollen count round the course can get very high in summer. Other Info:

Location: West Malling, Kent