Discover the grime, the underground and indulgent activities of London over the past few centuries on this adult walking tour. This popular and famous London tour is set around the Tudor era, the time of Henry VIII and the corrupt behaviour of the king and his bishops. Those living south of the Thames during Henry’s reign lived life entrenched in vice, squalor and filth. That area of London was the Las Vegas of its day where every debauched activity was practised. The tour starts and finishes in London Bridge but passes Southwark Cathedral, Shakespeare’s Globe and Southwark Bridge. This tour is perfect for those with a sense of humour looking to discover the hidden and sinful side of London’s past.
Availability: The first and third Friday of every month. Weather: Duration: Starts at 7.30pm and lasts around one and a half hours. Numbers On Day: Share the tour with up to 15 people, plus an experienced guide. Spectators: Dress Code: Please wear comfortable footwear for walking (no heels or sandals) and dress for the weather. Guidelines: Restrictions: Minimum age is eighteen. Other Info:
Location: London Bridge, London