20% off Four Hour Personal Shopping Experience with a Be Styled UK Stylist


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Sick of the same old style? Get wardrobe inspiration from an experienced professional with this four hour shopping session with a personal stylist. Prior to the session, complete a form to help outline your body shape, personal style, budget and aims, so the stylist can prepare ideas. Meet the stylist at a chosen shopping area (within zones 1 – 6, e.g. Kings Road, Westfield Shopping Centre or a big store option) and hit the shops. Receive advice on styles to flatter body shape and colours to complement hair colour and skin tone. Try some brand new looks and get inspired by clothing by modelling something you may not have chosen yourself. Create an exciting new look and pick up tricks of the trade to use again on future shopping trips.

Availability: Available seven days a week, excluding the Christmas and New Year period. Weather: Duration: Lasts for four hours. Numbers On Day: Spectators: Dress Code: Guidelines: Restrictions: The experience suits both men and women. Those under 18 are also welcome if accompanied by an adult. Other Info:

Location: Various Locations, London