Based in the heart of West London, The Comedy Carnival showcases the very best in stand-up comedy every week. These side-splitting shows regularly feature stand-up comedy stars from Live At The Apollo and Mock The Week, in a fun, intimate atmosphere. Featuring top headliners as well as the cream of rising talent and boasting a comedy club recommendation for stand-up comedy on Thursday nights, you’d be a fool to miss out on this top night in West London!
Availability: Every Friday and Saturday night throughout the year, excluding December. Weather: Duration: Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 8pm. The nightclub is open from 10pm – 3am. Numbers On Day: The comedy club is normally very busy so you’ll be sharing the fun with lots of other people. Spectators: Dress Code: The dress code is smart casual please. Guidelines: Restrictions: Guests aged 18 or over are welcome. Unfortunately the venue is not accessible to wheelchair users. Please bring photo ID as it may be requested on arrival. Other Info: Please note, stag parties are prohibited.
Location: Leicester Square, London