Visit famous Doctor Who locations from episodes since the show was rebooted back in 2005 on this wonderful walking tour through London. Featuring over 15 locations featured in the iconic show, you don’t need to be a hardcore Whovian to enjoy this fun and informative adventure. Find out how certain episodes were made, visit sites featured in The Invasion, Rose, The Shakespeare Code, The Bells of Saint John and even some classic inclusions. Spot where the Cybermen invaded, where the Slitheen transmitter is located and much more.
Availability: Tours run on selected Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays between February and December. Weather: Rain won’t stop your tour going ahead, so come prepared! Duration: Tours last for around two and a half hours, starting at 10.30am. Numbers On Day: A maximum of 30 people make up the tour group. Spectators: Dress Code: Dress for the weather – bring an umbrella or waterproofs if it’s raining. You’ll be on your feet for the whole tour, so wear comfortable shoes. Bring a camera. Guidelines: Receive full joining instructions from the operator once a date has been booked. Restrictions: Everyone is welcome, but under 18’s must be accompanied by a participating adult. Other Info: Please be aware that the experience involves a short bus ride, so bring an Oyster card or Zone 1 travelcard.
Location: London Bridge, London