F1 Grand Prix Simulator Session for Two in Hampshire


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This adrenaline-fuelled Formula 1 simulator session is a must for any avid motorsports fan. Designed using state-of-the-art racing technology, these simulators are just like the real thing and provide all the competitive thrills of the Grand Prix. Kick off with a briefing before completing 20 minutes of fast-paced qualifying laps to get acquainted with your circuit and the vehicle’s controls. Next, it’s time for the real action – take part in series of exhilarating race heats and compete against other racers (and each other) in an attempt to become the day’s overall winner. Points are given for each race and the session concludes with an F1 style podium presentation for the three winning drivers.

Availability: At least two Sunday dates a month throughout the year. Weather: Duration: Expect to be at the venue for approximately three hours. Each driver races in 5 – 6 heats, each of which lasts approximately 10 minutes. Numbers On Day: A maximum of ten participants race at any one time. Spectators: An unlimited number of friends are welcome to come and watch. Dress Code: Dress comfortably (i.e. in loose fitting clothing) and wear flat-soled shoes rather than trainers. Guidelines: Southbound, leave the M3 at junction 12 and take the first exit off the roundabout. After 250m, take the first exit off the roundabout onto Winchester Road. At the next roundabout take first exit left. Passing a Shell Petrol Station on your left continue on and head straight across the next mini roundabout. After half a mile Hursley Road Precinct is on the left and the race centre is located in the middle. Restrictions: There are no restrictions other than for height: minimum 4’5”, maximum is 6’11”. Other Info: A pre-selection will be made from the circuits available. As a guide, the venue often runs with those which coincide with the F1 calendar. Each circuit is tested and selected to ensure maximum customer enjoyment.

Location: Eastleigh, Hampshire