Weekday Sunrise Champagne Hot Air Ballooning over London


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Exclusive to Red Letter Days, experience the sights of London like never before with this exhilarating sunrise hot air balloon flight. On arrival, meet your experienced pilot at the central London launch site for a run down on safety, before helping to prepare and inflate the balloon for its adventure. Once everyone’s in the basket, lift-off and drift over stunning aerial views of London’s most beloved and iconic landmarks as the balloon travels at around 1,500 feet. After returning to the ground, help the crew to pack the balloon away before toasting the flight with a celebratory glass of champagne (or soft drink). To conclude this high flying experience, be taken to a suitable underground or rail station for an easy return to London or home.

Availability: Air traffic restrictions mean London flights are available weekday mornings only, from late April to mid August. Flights are generally scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings, meeting shortly after dawn. Weather: Balloon flights over London are extremely weather dependent. Conditions must keep the balloon free of restricted air space and offer sufficient wind speed. It is vital you call the venue at 11pm the evening before the flight. Duration: Flight duration is approximately one hour but can vary depending on operational factors. Please allow four to six hours for the whole experience. Numbers On Day: Share the balloon with between 8 -16 other flyers, plus a qualified pilot. Spectators: Spectators are welcome to watch the spectacular launch and wave you off. A pair of binoculars or a camera are sure to come in handy. Dress Code: Wear trousers, long sleeves and sensible footwear. Please don’t wear loose scarves or jewellery. Consider a hat to avoid heat from the burners overhead. Landing sites may be muddy. Luggage on these flights is restricted to one handheld item. Guidelines: Restrictions: Max weight 18 st. Min height 4’6”. Min age is 8. Under 16’s must be accompanied by a participating adult. Ballooning isn’t suitable for pregnant women. Participants MUST be able to climb into the basket. Medical conditions must be declared in advance. Other Info: If postponed, an alternative date or location can be arranged.

Location: Central London, London